MSPglobal 2.0 Webinar: Boosting human-rights based approaches and social wellbeing in MSP



This webinar will present and discuss the key findings of new MSP publications* focused on Indigenous Peoples, local communities, poverty and gender. The UNESCO-IOC and its Sub Commission for Africa & the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) will facilitate the webinar with UNESCO’s Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems programme (LINKS) and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM).

When: 9 September 2024,14h30 to 17h (Paris time) via Zoom

Languages: English, Français, Español



Engaging Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, and Embracing Indigenous and Local Knowledge in Marine Spatial Planning. Volume 1 – Basic Concepts (UNESCO-IOC and UNESCO-LINKS, 2024)

Engaging Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, and Embracing Indigenous and Local Knowledge in Marine Spatial Planning. Volume 2 – Good Practices (UNESCO-IOC and UNESCO-LINKS, 2024)

Developing Metrics of Poverty and Gender Considerations in Marine Spatial Planning (UNESCO-IOC and SwAM, 2024)

Poverty and Gender Perspectives in Marine Spatial Planning: Lessons from Kwale County in Coastal Kenya (UNESCO-IOC and SwAM, 2024)

Incorporating poverty and gender considerations in Marine Spatial Planning: Pilot baseline study of the Sofia and Boeny Regions, Madagascar (Turpie et al., 2022a)

Incorporating poverty and gender considerations in Marine Spatial Planning: Case study of the Tanga region in Tanzania (Turpie et al., 2022b)

Poverty and gender considerations in marine spatial planning – Conceptual and analytical framework (SwAM, 2022)

Guide: Address poverty and gender in marine spatial planning (SwAM, 2024)

Event Times (UTC-5):

Starts: 08 Sep 2024 17:00:00
Ends: 08 Sep 2024 17:00:00
Open attendance


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