Ocean Observations for Forecasting and Services across the Caribbean



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The Ocean Side Event at the 18th WMO RA IV Session (February 10th, 2021) aimed to explore the needs, find the gaps and identify priorities in ocean matters for the Caribbean, and North and Central Americas. Five important aspects were discussed: 1) Improved Marine Services, 2) Coastal Hazards and Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS), 3) Research and Capacity Development, 4) Maritime Safety, and 5) Regional Cooperation.

The Caribbean region has made significant progress in building operational and technological capacity while increasing competencies for weather and climate forecasts. However, given the recurrence of severe weather events in the region, at sea, and along the coast, more accurate and higher resolution forecasts and associated services are critically required. One of the basic elements to contribute to these improvements in the early warning services value chain are the real-time ocean observations. In response, WMO is organizing a Technical Webinar to discuss the critical variables required to be observed in real or near real-time, for data needed for input to/production of numerical models and marine forecasts in the Caribbean region, at higher resolution with improved accuracy. The intended outputs of the Webinar discussion will contribute to dimensioning a potential project for the implementation of an ocean observing system in the Caribbean and the minimal infrastructure requirements for improving marine weather and ocean services, especially for extreme events, in addition to key factors such as governance and sustainability strategies. 

 English - Spanish interpretation / Interpretacion de Ingles - Español 

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Event Times (UTC-5):

Starts: 10 Nov 2021 18:00:00
Ends: 10 Nov 2021 18:00:00

Participants: 2

Open attendance


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