IOC/PTWS Pacific Islands Countries and Territories PACWAVE 2024 Exercise

30 Oct - 05 Nov


The regional tsunami exercise PacWave24 is organized by the IOC/PTWS working group (WG) Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICT) and its Task Team (TT) Information Sharing Platfom (ISP) with the support of International Tsunami Informatoin Center (ITIC).

The Regional exercise objective is :

  • Test regional communication and cooperation between PICT member States, and evaluate the value of information sharing between member states tsunami warning stakeholders in facilitating national tsunami alert decision-making.
  • PICT national stakeolders ( NDMO, NTWC) willing to particpate will share event information through multiple informal communication modes including Web application, mailing list, and/or HF radio.

The PACWAVE24-PICT will consist of a 2 hours real-time table top exercise starting at 23:00 UTC on the 4 November 2024.

Interested Member States to particpate to this exercise will be requested to provide contact details and other relevant information through this online form to setup those informal communication modes.

A webinar workshop will be organized the week before the exercise on the 30th October at 23:00 UTC in order to present exercise guideline and answer related questions.


Event Times (UTC-5):

Starts: 29 Oct 2024 18:00:00
Ends: 04 Nov 2024 18:00:00

Participants: 2

Attendance by application


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