Sixteenth Session of the IOC-FAO Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB-XVI)

The sixteenth session of the IPHAB was held between 27-29 March 2023 at FAO headquarters in Rome. In particular, it discussed the Global HAB Research Agenda; a Global Assessment of HAB Events; capacity building; Ciguatera, a plan to improve research and management; Improving HAB forecasting capabilities for more effective mitigation strategies; and the formulation/approval of specific targets for regional activities.

20230404 - Reunion Anca en Roma
3 April 2023

IPHAB XVI was held at the FAO building in Rome from March 27-29. José Ernesto Mancera, representing IOCARIBE-ANCA, presented the report on the group's work during the last two years. The panel recognized the work of IOCARIBE-ANCA and recommended continuing and strengthening its work.


20240301 - Visita INVEMAR
26 February 2024

En lo que se refiere a el Nodo Ocean InfoHUB LAC (OIH LAC), una plataforma web crucial, INVEMAR e IOCARIBE evaluaron el estado de la información y acordaron una…

20240301 - Visita INVEMAR
26 February 2024

At the Ocean InfoHUB LAC Node (OIH LAC), a crucial web platform, INVEMAR and IOCARIBE assessed the state of information and agreed on a joint update of the seven…

20240304 - Derrame de hidrocarburos IMA
20 February 2024

La colaboración estratégica entre el IMA y el Ministerio de Energía e Industrias Energéticas ha dado frutos. Ambas instituciones comparten responsabilidades de…