Ocean CD-Hub Launch





Join the launch of this online tool supporting ocean science capacity development. The online event will have a practical demonstration to walk you through the content and functionality of this one-stop shop for available CD opportunities around the world!  



1st Session: 11AM – 12NN CET



2nd Session: 4PM – 5PM CET




“OCEAN CD-Hub” - a New Web Tool to Search for Capacity Development Opportunities Around the World


Launching the prototype of  a web-based tool that will support developing country nationals in their efforts to explore and find capacity development activities and opportunities offered by national, regional and global organizations around the world.


Capacity development is an essential tenet of IOC’s mission: It enables all Member States to participate in and benefit from ocean research and services that are vital to sustainable development and human welfare on the planet.


At the request of IOC Member States, the Capacity Development Secretariat has just launched the prototype of an online tool called the “Ocean CD-Hub” which allows individuals to easily search for high-level information on available capacity development opportunities (e.g., trainings, fellowships, internships, grants, etc.) at global, regional and national levels.


The overall aim of OCEAN CD-Hub is to:

  • Serve as a one-stop shop to easily search for available CD opportunities (for CD beneficiaries)
  • Identify synergies and potential partnerships with other organizations (for CD providers)
  • Help avoid duplication of effort and save resources (for CD providers)
  • Help Member States report on progress and achievements towards global efforts such as the SDGs and UN Ocean Decade.


If you are an Early Career Professional, Manager, Scientist, Educator, or other ocean stakeholder please come visit and explore OCEAN CD-Hub at https://OceanCD.org!!!


Event Times (UTC-5):

Starts: 02 Feb 2023 18:00:00
Ends: 02 Feb 2023 18:00:00
Open attendance


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