
Western Indian Ocean Member State Preparation Meeting for Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Workshop

Western Indian Ocean Member State Preparation Meeting for Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Workshop




Effective tsunami warning requires rapid and reliable processes for detection and monitoring, the decision to warn, the generation of a warning by the national warning provider and its dissemination along a functioning warning chain, to reach people in risk areas in a timely manner. Integrated and timeline driven Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) at all levels for actors involved are essential to achieve this.

The UNESCO-IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning & Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWMS) supports Indian Ocean Member States in developing the necessary capacity to operate such warning processes in their countries by providing guidelines, training, advice, exchange of experience, and regular exercises.

A number of activities are planned for the coming months. A hybrid four-day SOP training workshop during 3 - 6 July 2023 will provide an opportunity to share latest information regarding the development and status of SOPs along the tsunami warning chain at all levels in the Member States, provide conceptual input, discuss, and exchange experiences, and identify areas where improvements are still needed.

In order to make this training as effective as possible, it is considered important that the underlying national tsunami warning chains are sound and agreed by all stakeholders. Therefore, it is intended to review the national tsunami warning chains during the preparatory meeting and provide feedback to the Member States, so that any outstanding issues can be addressed prior to the SOP training in July.

Other upcoming activities to test and exercise the SOPs and warning chains are an IOTWMS Comms Test between TSPs and NTWCs on 7 June, and the Exercise IOWave23 in October this year.


The Regional Meeting will bring together representatives from ICG/IOTWMS Member States from the Eastern Indian Ocean (EIO) to:

  1. Share information on upcoming SOP Training Workshop for EIO Countries and agree on preparations
  2. Review the status of national tsunami warning chains and provide feedback to Member States
  3. Provide a briefing on IOTWMS Comms Test in June 2023 and Exercise IOWave23 in October 2023

Event Times (UTC-5):

Starts: 31 May 2023 17:00:00
Ends: 31 May 2023 17:00:00
Attendance by invitation


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