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The CLME+ Project is a 5-year project (2015-2020) implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and co-financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

It assists participating countries from two large marine ecosystems (LMEs) in improving the management of their shared Living Marine Resources through an Ecosystem-Based Management  approach:

  • the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem

  • the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem

The combination of those two LMEs is referred to as the CLME+ region, bordered by over 35 States and Territories: the Caribbean & North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems. This vast marine area (4.4 million km2) is a major contributor to regional economic development and is key to many globally relevant ecological processes.

The CLME+ region is regarded as one of the most geopolitically diverse and complex sets of LMEs in the world. The culturally diverse countries and territories that border this maritime area range from among the largest (e.g. Brazil, USA) to among the smallest (e.g. Barbados, St. Kitts and Nevis) and from the most developed to the least developed in the world.


Both the marine resources as well as key problems affecting these resources (overfishing, pollution, habitat degradation and climate change) are shared to a very large extent by the many territories that make up this region. Highly variable progress exists across the region with regard to ocean and living marine resources governance. Capacities for living marine resources management vary considerably at national, sub-regional and regional levels. Read more





This CLME+ is a portal designed to harness global knowledge, resources and tools in the one convenient place to support the achievement of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf (CLME+) Vision and Strategic Action Programme (SAP) initiatives. The HUB has been designed to accommodate the information needs of a wide variety of CLME+ stakeholders including members of the general public to LME Practitioners.


It is intended to be:

  • a platform to be owned and used by Members of the CLME+ partnership

  • awareness building for the broader public

  • platform to support the achievement of the CLME+ vision and SAP objectives, SDGs in the CLNE+ region etc.

  • source of information / documents and tools

  • gateway to network to partner websites

  • Overview of the state of the marine environment, tracking of efforts

  • central portal to access all related news

The benefits from having a central information LME portal for the CLME+ region include the follows:


  • help facilitate avenues for global partnerships and financial support over a longer period of time, allowing for deeper more significant and lasting results;

  • facilitate data/knowledge access and sharing;

  • enable a sustainable and extensive research base, tools and methods for capitalizing results;

  • increase scientific and governance excellence among all LME practitioners;

  • enable the transfer of critical knowledge specific to the CLME+ region to other regions and vice versa;

  • facilitate innovative measures in addressing unique issues in CLME+ marine governance;

  • enhanced communication and visibility throughout the CLME+ region;

  • deliver knowledge for policy making, anticipate scientific, financial and technological needs and provide efficient support for strategic and political decision-making.

As an information management decision making tool for LME practitioners, the HUB will progressively expand with a range of tools designed to assist in the better planning and management of the CLME+ including for example dynamic linkages to the Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA2) Geonode, OHI, knowledge and learning portal (IW and LME Learn) and other marine related governance portals. Read more.




At its 60th Meeting, held from 14-18 June 2021, the GEF Council approved the new Work Program of the GEF Trust Fund, for a total value of US$281 million. Funds will be allocated to 33 projects and 3 programs around the world, including the new UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ Project. PROCARIBE+ is a regional initiative for Protecting and Restoring the Ocean’s Natural Capital, building Resilience and supporting region-wide Investments for sustainable Blue socio-Economic development in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ region).


The GEF Council approval on 18 June of the PROCARIBE+ Concept Note (PIF) marks the beginning of the PROCARIBE+ “PPG Phase”, during which the detailed Project Proposal Package will be developed together with the participating countries and (prospective) project partners. 


On 14 and 15 July 2021, UNDP and the PROCARIBE+ PPG Coordination Unit organized the PROCARIBE+ PPG Preparatory Meeting. Please click here to access the materials (powerpoints, video recordings,…) from this meeting. 


The PROCARIBE+ Project Aims at:


  • Implementing integrated ocean management arrangements (regional and national)

  • Enabling and developing sustainable and resilient ocean-based (blue) economies (through Marine Spatial Planning, marine conservation, sustainable fisheries and addressing land-based sources of pollution); while taking into account cross-cutting issues such as climate change, gender and post COVID-19 recovery.

  • Catalysing the next iteration of key regional processessuch as the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) / Strategic Action Programme (SAP).