IOC/OTGA Bergen Summer Research School - UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life below water [Online]
07 - 17
SDG14 aims at "conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development", and has 10 specified targets related to marine pollution and conservation, sustainable fisheries, and global change. The students will acquire knowledge and skills related to science, policy, and society necessary for contributing towards sustainable development of life below water. We have designed this course for PhD candidates with an interest in sustainable development and life below water. It is relevant for a broad range of disciplines, and the resultant diversity among the students will facilitate reaching the learning outcomes by everyone bringing their own specific expertise to the group. The overall program will include special interdisciplinary sessions on systems thinking, creative problem-solving, and project management. This, together with cross-cutting keynotes and virtual social events, will provide participants with rich theoretical and practical knowledge for solving concrete sustainable development challenges.
Learning Outcomes
- Explain physical and biological ocean processes that contribute to making the problems under SDG14 global.
- Analyse and interrelate SDG14 targets in light of other SDG targets.
- Find, navigate, and make connections between scientific literature and the literature of reports, conventions, and policy documents. • Identify stakeholders and analyse their motives.
- Evaluate existing research and suggest research needs related to SDG14.
- Be able to compose and use scientifically grounded arguments for societally relevant debates.
- Be able to provide peer feedback while balancing critical and constructive views.
- Identify and separate between scientific knowledge, values, beliefs, and ideologies.
• Dr. Katja Enberg, Associate Professor (University of Bergen)
• Dr. Gabriella Ljungström, Post-doctoral researcher (University of Bergen)
• Dr. Sara Hornborg, Researcher (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden)
Participation in the course is credited under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Participants submitting an essay, in a form of a publishable manuscript of 10-20 pages, after the end of the summer school will receive 10 ECTS. Deadline for submission will be decided by the course leader. It is also possible to participate without producing an essay. This will give you 4 ECTS. In order to receive credits, we expect full participation in the course-specific modules, plenary events and roundtables.
Course format
The course will be mainly synchronous online teaching through Zoom from 9 to 16:30 (GMT+1). Students will work in small teams (4-5 members), and attendance in all sessions is expected. Assignments will include short essays, presentations, debates, and communication.
Language of instruction: English
Background Requirements:
The course is designed for PhD level and are open to:
- Candidates currently enrolled in a PhD programme
- Junior researchers — including those in their last stages of their master programme, with extensive working experience, and those who have recently completed their PhD, or are enrolled in a post-doc programme.
Event Times (UTC-5):
Starts: 06 Jun 2021 17:00:00Ends: 16 Jun 2021 17:00:00