
Training on the Implementation of FAIR Principles to African Marine and Coastal Data

Training on the Implementation of FAIR Principles to African Marine and Coastal Data

23 - 26


This blended training focuses on the management, publication, and quality control of marine biodiversity and geospatial data. After participating in self-paced online courses, participants will benefit from this hands-on training to:

  • Discuss and solve challenges with current data input
  • Identify critical ocean knowledge gaps in different African regions
  • Establish and/or strengthen data quality control procedures
  • Have clear guidance to publish data for inclusion in scientific papers and data repositories
  • Contribute to African regional nodes for platforms such as the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) and the Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS).


Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) - Mombasa, Kenya

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course the participants should be able to:

  • Gain insights into data governance principles, including privacy, security, and ethical considerations.
  • Acquire knowledge of data citation and attribution through learning about best practices for acknowledging data sources and providing appropriate credit.
  • Gain knowledge on how to access and contribute to global datasets as participants in ODINAFRICA and interconnect national portals with regional and global systems
  • Build and strengthen skills in data management, standardisation, and documentation, and  knowledge of when and how to apply appropriate metadata standards such as International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Darwin Core (DwC), and JSON-LD through the framework
  • Learn to publish high-quality (meta)data to the Africa Coastal and Marine Atlas (ACMA)
  • Understand Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and their value in published data papers.

Note: Data that the workshop participants upload into ACMA will be distributed to the ODIS Federation, and be available via ODIS-compatible search interfaces and Google Dataset Search

Target audience

Preference will be given to data managers in National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) and Associated Data Units (ADUs) in Africa, affiliated to UNESCO IODE.


Participants should:

  • Bring their laptop and sample data from their institutions
  • Be familiar with tools for working with the spatial and other data holdings in their home institutions.
  • Prior knowledge of ocean data, including marine biodiversity data.

Participants will:

Course content

Module 1: General introduction and presentation from data managers and/or National Oceanographic Data Centers

Module 2: Applying FAIR Principles to Ocean Data Management

Module 3: Guidelines for publishing data, metadata, and research papers,

Module 4: Data cleaning, standardisation, documentation, and archiving

Module 5: Linking into available resources for national, regional, and global data portals

Module 6: Final review and next steps

**All modules will contain hands-on work to apply course principles to participants’ supplied data

Language of instruction: English


John Ngatia, IOCAFRICA
Other invited Experts from CODATA (to be confirmed)
Participants will be required to complete a preparation phase online before the course (1 week), attend all sessions of the face-to-face training in Mombasa, and share at least one dataset within ACAM. A certificate of completion will be issued for those who complete these requisites.



Event Times (UTC-5):

Starts: 22 Sep 2024 17:00:00
Ends: 25 Sep 2024 17:00:00
Attendance by application


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