
Coastwave biannual meeting - March 2023

Coastwave biannual meeting - March 2023




In the first biannual meeting of CoastWAVE Project, IOC UNESCO project team will give a summary of the progress of the project for the period of September-March 2023 and will discuss on upcoming tasks and responsibilities.

Key Objectives of the Meeting:

The meeting will discuss the key issues, progress, and the implementation plan of the Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme.

1) Present the activities completed for the PMU Tasks

2) Present the summary of activities completed by each country and the future.

3) Discuss with partners on their needs and requirements for completion of TR Programme

Target Audience:

CoastWAVE Project partners 

Event Times (UTC-5):

Starts: 13 Mar 2023 18:00:00
Ends: 13 Mar 2023 18:00:00
Attendance by invitation


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