
Final Conference of the MSPglobal Initiative [ONLINE]

Final Conference of the MSPglobal Initiative [ONLINE]



The Intergovernemental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO is convening together with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) the final conference of their joint MSPglobal Initiative on Tuesday 5 October 2021 from 16:00 to 19:00 CEST (virtual format).

Since its launch in November 2018, in addition to developing international guidance on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), MSPglobal has implemented two pilot projects in the Western Mediterranean and Southeast Pacific which resulted in the formulation of recommendations on transboundary MSP and sustainable blue economy. It has also carried out capacity development activities at global scale to foster knowledge exchange and dialogue, in line with the IOC-UNESCO/DG MARE Joint Roadmap to accelerate MSP processes worldwide.

In order to share the key outcomes of the initiative as well as its contribution to MSP implementation in different regions, the final conference will bring together diverse stakeholder groups including government and the scientific community from around the world. One of the main highlights of the event will be the presentation of the soon-to-be published International MSP Guidance, developed by the MSPglobal Expert Group and Thematic Experts.

To register for the MSPglobal final conference, please CLICK HERE.

For more information about the agenda and speakers, please visit the dedicated page on the MSPglobal website, which will be updated regularly.

The event will have English, French and Spanish interpretation.

Event Times (UTC-5):

Starts: 04 Oct 2021 17:00:00
Ends: 04 Oct 2021 17:00:00
Attendance by application


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